Stephen Laski


Stephen is a graduate of New York Chiropractic College and previous Clinic Supervisor for the Dominican Republic clinic. His passion is to help people overcome their back and neck pain so they are able to live the life they intend to. In practice, he focuses on the diagnosis, management, and treatment of non-surgical, spine-related disorders through evidence-based and patient-centered care. He specializes in the integration of movement and physical rehabilitation so that patients can feel, function, and live at their best.

He is a certified Primary Spine Practitioner through the University of Pittsburgh, School of Health and Rehabilitative Sciences, and has completed additional education in pain classification, Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization, McKenzie Mechanical Diagnosis & Therapy, as well as other manual therapies. Currently, he works as part of the Volunteer Recruitment team to share World Spine Care’s mission with prospective volunteers and inspire them to become a part of their goal to create a world in which everyone has access to the highest level of spine care possible.


Afua Adjei-Kwayisi


Francesca Wuytack